Carl T. Holscher fights for the customers.

Author: Carl Page 21 of 151


My Wyze outdoors cam came today. With it’s accessory for pre-ordering early.

I laughed so hard when I opened it. And my wife walks in and asked if that was a cowboy hat?

It sure is! I love it!

It has made every other device in the house jealous though.

Refreshment Center

Described by my wife as “Peak Carl.”

I am laying in bed watching 75 minutes of drive-in movie ads and laughing my head off at some of them.

There’s a Dr. Pepper ad where men “ride horses” and it looks like they’re on pogo sticks (without the pogo sticks).

Lots of ads reminding me to go to church. So many hot dogs and children taking big bites of them. Popcorn. Coke. Popcorn. Dr. Pepper. Coke. Popcorn. Candy. Popcorn. Coke.

Pepsi. For those who think young.

There are a disturbing number of clowns. Especially early on. Not nearly as many racist animations or pictures as I feared.

So many car speaker and car heater ads and instructions on use. Bernz-O-Matic will allow this theatre to stay open all year. Do you have a drizzle guard? It will keep rain off your windshield. It will save your battery and wear & tear in your car. Don’t sizzle in a drizzle!

If you have information on drive-in speaker theft, report it for a $50 reward.

Lots of brands Toddy. Flips. Watch the Manley machine work it’s magic on Manley’s popcorn! Nepco Frankfurt. Flavos Shrimp Rolls. They’re Shrimply delicious! Deeds Bros. Dairy.

There was an ad decrying the horrors of Pay TV! Not enough people signed the petition to keep Free TV from turning into Pay TV!

One instance of pop-corn. And a final reminder to Vote. Tell your friends to study the records of all candidates and choose the best one!

I was disappointed to learn there is a drive-in theatre near where I grew up but somehow never learned about it as a kid. Possibly because a movie ticket was $5 and a $20 could buy you dinner, a movie and snacks.

It wasn’t until years later I learned the Family Drive-in was in Stephens City. I’ve now been a number of times and enjoyed it every single time. I can’t say watching these ads tonight made me nostalgic for the ads when I was younger. But I do dearly miss going to the movies.

A flan story

Flan in repose
Flan in preparation
Flan is gone

My wife made a flan tonight. At the urging of her sister who has made this recipe four times. She continues to rave about it and ask if we’ve made it.

Tonight she did. It’s a good flan.

A History Lesson

“The way we are taught this in school, Lincoln “freed the slaves,” and then the nearly four million people who the day before had been treated as property suddenly enjoyed the privileges of being Americans like everyone else. We are not prodded to contemplate what it means to achieve freedom without a home to live in, without food to eat, a bed to sleep on, clothes for your children or money to buy any of it. Narratives collected of formerly enslaved people during the Federal Writers’ Project of the 1930s reveal the horrors of massive starvation, of “liberated” black people seeking shelter in burned-out buildings and scrounging for food in decaying fields before eventually succumbing to the heartbreak of returning to bend over in the fields of their former enslavers, as sharecroppers, just so they would not die. “With the advent of emancipation,” writes the historian Keri Leigh Merritt, “blacks became the only race in the U.S. ever to start out, as an entire people, with close to zero capital.””

‘It Is Time for Reparations’
via Instapaper

We have been lied to. History lessons in school are made to reflect the winner and taught with an agenda to maintain the statues quo of whiteness. Reading this tonight has been a minor history lesson and filled in gaps in the story we were never taught.

It it enraging to see our country once again exploit anyone who wasn’t a white European. Not surprising but enraging. This country was built on the backs, literally, of slave labor. People who toiled for idle whites to generate vast wealth in their name. Meanwhile earning nothing for themselves or to pass to their children.

The US Government has a debt to pay.

“To this day, the only Americans who have ever received government restitution for slavery were white enslavers in Washington, D.C., who were compensated for their loss of human property.”


I noticed a small nest in the scrub trees and weeds along the fence line. I looked up at it tonight and it looked back. There was a head and neck of a bird in the nest. I think it was a dove, but it was well-hidden and hard to make out. I didn’t want to disturb it any further (as I have been removing some vines and cutting back some branches).
I told the dove I meant it to no harm and I would leave her and her eggs alone. I hope the dove hatches little baby doves. They’re such goofy, plump birds. I love watching them waddle around. They have a charm pigeons will never capture.

Dove standing on concrete path.
Dove, at attention

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