Carl T. Holscher fights for the customers.

Month: December 2017 Page 1 of 3

Logan Lucky – Rules for robbing a bank

Top Ten Rules for Robbing a Bank

  1. Decide To Rob A Bank.
  2. Have A Plan.
  3. Have a Backup Plan.
  4. Establish Clear Communications.
  5. Choose Your Partners Carefully.
  6. Expect the Unexpected.
  7. Shit Happens.
  8. Don’t Get Greedy.
  9. Remember, Shit Happens.
  10. Hang Up And Know When To Walk Away.

Logan Lucky (2017) ★★★★

A heist movie I enjoyed far more than I thought I would. It was fun with memorable characters.

Practice > Tools

Tools aren’t important, it’s the practice that makes good content.

From Warren Ellis

My problem with this emerging narrative is that doing a podcast is a relatively low-tech, cheap enterprise. Beg or borrow a microphone and a laptop. Use a smartphone and earbuds with a mic. Process in something free like Audacity or Garageband. Look at apps like Opinion or Anchor before spending real money on Libsyn or a WordPress front end. It can be easier than you think. If you have something to say or do and audio is your thing, don’t dismiss podcasting just because other people are telling you it’s becoming professionalised.

Figure out what you want to do. Pre-record three episodes and upload them all at once as your launch. Keep it simple, always. Get things out into the world. And then tell me about them, please. Thank you.

I saw the excerpt from Warren Ellis’ newsletter on Twitter earlier and it made me think about a similar post I saw.

The tools aren’t important. Practice is important.

The Internet™

The Internet Demands Progress.
The Internet Hates Change.

This applies to everything on the Internet.
And everything in business.
Every new season of television.
Every new movie.

People want something that’s familiar enough to be comfortable and relate-able and different enough to feel good about the price of money and time.

Two Americas

Henry Rollins: White America Couldn’t Handle What Black America Deals With Every Day

I’m an educated, Caucasian, heterosexual male. Does this ensure I will have success and live the American Dream? Obviously it doesn’t, but it damn sure drops me on second base with a great opportunity to steal third.

Rollins talks about going out to eat after a show.

This is when I understood one of the reasons for the visible display of wealth. My whiteness assured them that I could pay for my meal. Ice-T and his guys had to demonstrate their ability to pay by literally wearing a show of wealth.

I think about this a lot.

No Reply

Embrace the idea of a yes-reply email address. It’ll keep that communication lane open between you and your customer. It’ll make customers realize that you do value their time and will give them some of yours if they want it.
No Reply Addresses — Medium

This has always bugged me. If you use a no-reply mailbox to communicate with customers, provide them another way to reach you. Even if it’s not the address you’re using, give customers a way to reach a human being.

It’s frustrating to reach out to support and find none.

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