Today was filled with walking around with Antietam National Battlefield hunting digital monsters. There was a Pokemon Go event today to hunt down various monsters in the wild and in raid battles. Since the battlefield is covered in statues and monuments, it’s an ideal location to go hunting.

Statue of a young soldier holding a flag.
One of the many statues at Antietam Battlefield.

I have to wonder what those who gave their lives in the Civil War would have thought about bands of nerds roaming the countryside with telephones, looking for fake monsters and trying to capture them in fake balls. After we explained what a phone was… And a Pokemon… And a car… And…

After the full day walking and driving around the battlefield, it was time to head home to workout and make sure we didn’t fail on the second day.

Today was Grounding into Gratitude.

After arms day yesterday, I wasn’t looking forward to Downward Dog or using my arms. And today was a perfect antidote for that. Grounding into Gratitude is a perfect recovery day workout. Not that it’s what we needed today. But the stretching in the program felt so good. Opening the hips and loosening the shoulders. There wasn’t a lot of strength moves and barely a single Downward Dog for the 34 minute program.

Tomorrow is Lower Fix with Beachbody. I’m ready for some sore legs.