Carl T. Holscher fights for the customers.

Tag: writers

Windows Community

As a matter of profession and interest, I have always tried to keep current on both side of the Great Computer Divide. I have Windows running with my Mac at home. I support both and I’m fluent in both operating systems.

I try to keep up on the latest developments, ongoing issues, and a running list of interesting applications or ones that play nice across the divide.

Empty seats

Empty seats

And while the Mac is seemingly in a class by itself in terms of the quality and quantity of excellent software available for it, Windows is catching up. The biggest thing the Mac App Store ever did was to collect all the great applications in one place so the normal user could find and use them.

Windows is on its way there and given a few years, may have a competitive store. For now, seeking out great Windows applications is more difficult because there is no one go-to place to find them all.

Technibble is a one-stop shop for PC techs. I’ve found most of my tools from the site and it’s a great resource for all things related to computer repair and troubleshooting.

Another post place I refer to is Scott Hanselman’s Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows. It’s been a couple of years since he wrote one. But he just published his list for 2014.

While I am not a Windows developer, his list of Power User resources is second to none. It’s well worth the bookmark. I’ve found that even if it didn’t have the answer I was looking for at the time, I will often return to it and find something to fill a need I have later.

Thomas Brand got me thinking about it this morning. He makes the point in his excellent post Banished to Bootcamp.

I wish more technology enthusiasts would do the same. Using the product you love is not enough. You must first banish yourself to the alternative before you can confirm your beliefs.

Where are the great Windows writers? Maybe I’ve spent too much time in the Mac world so I know that circle better.

I know Paul Thurrott‘s out there. The podnutz network has some good Windows shows. But they’re for repairing and maintaining Windows. I don’t want to learn how to repair Windows.

Writemonkey and Haroopad are good markdown editors. Notepad2 one of my first changes to Windows once I get it installed. SyncBack is a wonderful file backup/sync tool and Scup recently filled a wish I had to take a screenshot and upload with one click. I should be better about writing up these finds and I intend to in the new year talk more about what I use and what I’ve found to do somthing I wanted ot needed.

I’m tuned into a good set of Mac power users who share tools and tips and tricks. But where are their Windows counterparts? Are we all slogging through the tech support trenches without the time or desire to write-up our finds? That’s certainly how I feel many days.

Reading & Trusting

I’ve wrestled with how to properly profess my love for Read & Trust. The network of writers, technologists, thinkers and doers has captured my imagination and fascination ever since Aaron Mahnke decided to unleash his vision upon the web.

I’d been reading some of the writers before the network took shape but I was introduced to others as I eagerly added them to my RSS feed and followed them on Twitter.

As soon as the newsletter was launched I signed up immediately since I wanted to do my small part to support the fine work this team was putting together. It was the recent post Thoughts on Paying Writers that pushed me to finish this love letter and hit publish.

This is my small ode to the first ten newsletter that were published. Each excerpt is from a much longer piece but I feel these parts captured the essence of what the writer wanted to convey.

Since the newsletter began, I’ve eagerly awaited each new issue hitting my inbox. Each month the writer’s are given a theme to write about. With such themes as Heros, Resolutions and What’s on my Bookshelf, the writer’s words, stories and views are diverse and interesting every month.

Without further adieu, here is a small taste of what these fine writers offer up to the world from the beginning of the Read & Trust network.


I rush back home. Every step working against me. For me, any time between the writing and the typing is a detriment. The fear of losing it in the spaces between my synapses, and the time it may take to recover it, leave me breathless. Trembling. Closer to a jog than a walk now.

Not this time though. This time I make it. This time, I sit. I type. I read. I edit. I publish.
Patrick Rhone


How do I know when a piece is done? It’s done when the outline is fully fleshed out, when I’ve edited it without draining it of life and color, and when Im as close to satisfied as I can be — or when the deadline comes along, whichever comes first. That’s when it’s done.
Randy Murray


Creating things –books, blog posts, paintings, original origami, whatever– requires that you allow your idea to take shape over time. It’s quite probable that your finished product will be a whole lot different from how you envisioned it in line at the Orange Julius, but if you can let the concept percolate, morph and shape-shift along the way, you’ll probably realize that was what you’d wanted to create all along.
Brett Kelly


The best thing you can do, of course, is sit in the chair and get to it. Every day, even when you don’t feel like it, even when you have nothing to say. Like a pianist performing his scales countless times, the more you write the better you’ll get. Set some time aside, find a spot that you love and simply begin. That’s often the hardest part. Just start.
Dave Caolo


Expect it, because it’s going to happen. Often. More often than not. Even when you think you’ve nailed it, there’s a chance you haven’t. When you fully understand that what you’re about to try might not work, you’re more likely to try anything. In other words, don’t let a fear of failure hinder your efforts and stifle your creativity.
Dave Caolo


Being creative is more than just coffee shop poetry and garage bands, it’s about putting your own spin on the everyday things in life. Putting your creative touch on the simple things in life can not only act as your creative outlet, they can potentially lift the spirits of others.
Christian Ross


I became tired from the driving, emotionally drained from the hospital visits, upset at what I knew was about to come. It was difficult to concentrate. It was tough to be creative. It was hard to really care.
And yet I ploughed on.
Iain Broome


So my resolution is this: stop chasing digital saccharin. We can’t experience it deeply enough to find revelation. We’ve got to go into the real world among imperfect places, hurting/hurtful people, stupid logic and awful situations. We must flounder, stretch, breathe, argue, and absorb. It may not be pleasant. In fact, if we’re really getting out there, it definitely won’t be entirely pleasant. But then, and only then, will you have the raw fuel needed to create something really worthwhile — and more than that — to live a life worth your while.
Adam King


Forget about being creative, and just try to make whatever it is you’re working on as good as you possibly can.
Kyle Baxter


I, for one, never cease to amaze myself at my inability to find the words I am looking for. And when I can’t find them, which is often, I have no choice but to use the less-exciting words which have come to mind rather than those perfect ones which always seem to escape me.

It is in those moments where I remember that quantity leads to quality. Or, put another way, I’ve become comfortable with falling short of my own lofty expectations.
Shawn Blanc

Thank you, Writers

Thank you.

Thank you to all the writers who have written books, short stories, poems, novellas, and stories online and off.

Thank you to reaching into your souls and tearing out the words and ideas screaming, whispering, begging to be let out. Thank you for sharing your stories with me. Thank you for making me feel a little less alone.

Thank you for allowing me to take the fantastic voyage you’ve led me on. Thank you allowing me to tag along on the amazing stories and worlds you’ve created.

Growing up in a small town, my entertainment was books. I read voraciously and each week I was in some new far away place. I wandered through the world of tomorrow and yesterday. I sailed across oceans and traveled the stars. I lived in the shoes of the young and the old. I lived with humans and animals and being of all sorts.

Thank you for all you have written. Thank you for all you will write. Thank you for your words. Thank you for your tears. Thank you for your smiles and triumphs. Thank you for the sadness and misery. Thank you for all that you’ve shared with me. Thank you for taking me to places I could never visit on my own.

Thank you.

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