Carl T. Holscher fights for the customers.

Tag: minecraft

Minecraft says No NFTs

Minecraft and NFTs | Minecraft

Each of these uses of NFTs and other blockchain technologies creates digital ownership based on scarcity and exclusion, which does not align with Minecraft values of creative inclusion and playing together. NFTs are not inclusive of all our community and create a scenario of the haves and the have-nots. The speculative pricing and investment mentality around NFTs takes the focus away from playing the game and encourages profiteering, which we think is inconsistent with the long-term joy and success of our players.

We are also concerned that some third-party NFTs may not be reliable and may end up costing players who buy them. Some third-party NFT implementations are also entirely dependent on blockchain technology and may require an asset manager who might disappear without notice. There have also been instances where NFTs were sold at artificially or fraudulently inflated prices. We recognize that creation inside our game has intrinsic value, and we strive to provide a marketplace where those values can be recognized. 

It’s great to see Minecraft putting their foot down and rejecting the entire premise of NFTs as detrimental to their values. Buy a link to a picture for piles of money. And hope it never decreases in value when the value of it to begin with is… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

They’ve even gone a step further in clearing prohibiting their use in Mincraft.

As such, to ensure that Minecraft players have a safe and inclusive experience, blockchain technologies are not permitted to be integrated inside our Minecraft client and server applications nor may they be utilized to create NFTs associated with any in-game content, including worlds, skins, persona items, or other mods


NFTs have no place in video games and seeing Minecraft take such a strongs stance will protect players, keep the game about gaming and fun versus speculative investments and will be a positive fo the longevity Mineaverse.

Dispatch from the Trenches #2

Since a worker is basically knackered and good for nothing but a quick dinner and a DVD box set after eight hours of work, she might as well go the extra mile and work into the night if it results in fewer commutes and a routine four-day weekend.
Billionaire Calls for Three-Day Workweek | New Escapologist

Having an extra day or two off would make a huge different to quality of life.

When I was in college, I never had class on Friday. For four years I didn’t have to be anywhere on Friday. This was my recoup day. I would sleep and work on projects. Saturday would be fun day where I’d goof off. Sunday was a work day.

I worked for the school’s newspaper which meant 12-16 hour days trying to wrangle the paper’s reporting staff into providing their stories so I could lay them out and get the paper to the printer so it could be returned and delivered on Monday.

The last company I worked for offered an “RDO” schedule. This stands for Regular Day Off. It was an optional schedule where I would work an extra hour everyday and in return I would get a day off every two weeks.

The day off was decided beforehand by the company to assure proper coverage for our customers. But it was an amazing perk. Having that day off during the week to schedule vehicle maintenance and health appointments was the best perk of working there.

Even if I used the day to see a movie and sleep in, I returned to work feeling more rested and less stressed.

People often compare Minecraft to LEGO; both support open-ended creation (once you’ve mastered the crafting table, you can build nearly anything) and, of course, they share an essential blockiness. But I think this comparison is misleading, because a LEGO set always includes instructions, and Minecraft comes with none.

Minecraft is a game about creation, yes. But it is just as much a game about secret knowledge.

The secret of Minecraft — The Message

As a kid, I was a Lego addict. I would build things for hours in my room. I have not dipped my toe into the world of Minecraft partly for fear of losing myself forever in a colorful world of blocks.

This was a really interesting read because Minecraft is all about secret knowledge. You’re presented with a world. You have to survive. No manual. No instructions. No help.

Even though Fog Creek, Trello, and Stack Exchange are now three separate companies, they are all running basically the same operating system, based on the original microprocessor architecture known as “making a company where the best developers want to work,” or, in simpler terms, treating people well.

This operating system applies both to the physical layer (beautiful daylit private offices, allowing remote work, catered lunches, height-adjustable desks and Aeron chairs, and top-tier coffee), the application layer (health insurance where everything is paid for, liberal vacations, family-friendly policies, reasonable work hours), the presentation layer (clean and pragmatic programming practices, pushing decisions down to the team, hiring smart people and letting them get things done, and a commitment to inclusion and professional development), and mostly, the human layer, where no matter what we do, it’s guided first and foremost by obsession over being fair, humane, kind, and treating each other like family.
Trello, Inc. – Joel on Software

This is the operating system I want. This is the life I want to have. I urge you to click-through and read that second paragraph on Joel’s site because it’s filled with links. I wish there was more talk about operating systems like the one Joel build and not ones impersonating National Parks.

He has the right idea. Treating people well is the currency of the 21st Century.

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