Carl T. Holscher fights for the customers.

Category: Observations Page 27 of 88

Your job

Your job is not your identity. Your job is not your family.
Your job will not be there for you in the bad times.

Your job is a place where you trade time for money.

Nothing more. Your job may use terms like family and try to build work relationships into friendships or beyond. But it’s just work.

At the end of the day, you should be able to leave that job, go home and think about other things. Your job should not follow you around as you lay in bed or walk in the park. Your job isn’t dating you. It’s not going to marry you and make commitments to have and hold to honor and love.

Your job is a place where you trade time for money.

Tiny Plastic People

I love public art installations. They’re so much fun especially when you stumble across them unexpectedly. As I did with one at the Food and Drugs Administration’s offices in Silver Spring, MD (where I recently started working.) There is a whole part of the building covered in people. Tiny, plastic people.

It’s a beautiful exhibit I’m happy to be able to see in person so the least I can do is share these photos of it with you. This display is part of the GSA’s Art in Architecture program. This one is from Do Ho Suh.

People on the wall at FDA

FDA Art Installation

Information about the FDA art installation

The full wall covered in tiny people

Close-up of plastic people

Little blue people

Close-up of red people

Photo by Paul Jarvis.

Blueprint for better support

When I start a new job supporting people with technology I look for the excited. I look for the passion. I look for people who care about the work and about the mission.

I’m often disappointed.

I find people going through the motions. I find people who have given up and given in to the rote memorization of their lines. They answer phones and reply to emails. Not with any urgency or excitement but with disdain.

The joy is gone. If it was ever there to begin with and I ask myself if I’ve made another mistake. I keep looking for people who care about their work. And I’m looking in all the wrong places.

The Challenge

There is a certain challenge to supporting people within a rigid structure such as government. The tools are limited. The ways are structured and set forth, usually long ago. But there’s still room to make the work easier.

There are places to supply information and point people in the right direction. There are ways to decrease the number of calls and give those who want to seek knowledge a place to find it.


Where is the wiki? Where is the knowledge base? Why are support techs asking others for emails? Why does a new member of the team have nowhere to go to get the information they need to excel?

The easiest thing a support team can do is create a centralized place to store information, tips, fixes, and other vital knowledge the team needs. This is the first, and usually, last place a support tech should go for answers.

Step 1: Create a team knowledge space.
Be it a Sharepoint site or a wiki. Start small, with a collection of documents or a One Note notebook. Start somewhere and put everything in one place.

It will help the seasoned support staff because they won’t have to hunt for their past work. It will be right there. It will help the new support staff because they have a place to start looking before asking questions. They have a place to read and learn and get up to speed faster.

Step 2: Create a place for customers to get answers.

I don’t know how many times I’ve answered the same question by copying and pasting emails to customers. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen the same questions asked and answered because the customer has nowhere to get this information.

By creating a place for the customer to help themselves, it will not only cut the number of support calls. It will help the support techs because to write good documentation, you have to fully understand the product you’re supporting.

Step 3: Consistent Improvement

Neither of these resources can be built in a day. They will be built over time. The team will build the structure they’ll use internally and keep changing it until they get it right. Nobody knows how to build a perfect system from the start. By building a living system, it will improve and become the support resource the team needs and relies on.

The same thing goes for the customers. In the beginning the space can be stocked with documentation that already exists. Collect everything that gets sent out to the customers and put it there. Give it a home. Put a URL on it. Send the link to people instead of the content.

A link can be shared and bookmarked. An email is designed to get lost under the mountain of other identical text.

This is what I believe in and this is what I am going to build.

Friendships aren’t portable. 

There’s a new social network out. It doesn’t offer anything out of the box that I’m not getting already.

If I move there, I have to bring my friends with me. And they’re not going to move. They’re happy with using, or not using a social network already. 

I have people I already follow online. They’re on Twitter. Or they’re on Facebook. Or they hang out in Slack channels. 

But they’re not going to join something new without the most compelling feature. Friends. was first. It promised an ad-free experience.

Ello showed up with its black & white palette. 

Peach is the new kid on the block. It has magic words and this week’s attention. 

These places are the malls of today. If my friends are there, I’ll hang out with them. But if I go and there’s nobody I know, I’m not going to stick around.

Life Laws

I don’t have a life philosophy or a strict set of rules. I try my best to be a good person and treat people right. Here’s a few laws I believe to be true about life.

  1. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
    Treat others as you wish to be treated.

  2. Work for the common good.
    No answer helps everyone but find the one that helps the most people.

  3. Listen to other viewpoints.
    You don’t have to agree, just listen and consider.

  4. Everything happens for a reason.
    You may not understand how or why but as some doors close, others open to you.

  5. Hard work pays off.
    Nothing is given to you. You must work for it.

  6. No one cares more about you than you.
    You must put yourself first because as much as others love and care for you, no one will ever care as much about you as you.

  7. Life is about balance.
    The scales may tip good or bad for a long time but eventually they will balance out.

  8. The world is a small place.
    You never know who knows who or who can be an asset or an ally. Never burn bridges because one day you may need to cross that same ravine.

  9. Everyone is filled with self-doubt.
    It all depends on how you handle it. Everyone, especially creative people fight through it to make cool stuff.

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