Carl T. Holscher fights for the customers.

Month: August 2020

Don’t settle, ladies

Instagram post from my wonderful wife

What else can I add to this?

Here’s a recreation for the inevitable day that Instagram stops working or breaks.

This is my proof that I have an excellent husband. Go with me here for a minute.
Every night I close the blinds on this window, but not the curtain. Last night was no different.

Today I woke up around 10:30 (quarantine life) and went to the bathroom. I went right back into bed, and @carlholscher came in from his home office to say good morning.

I told him I felt a little dizzy when I got up, so I’m just going to rest again for a bit. And that man, without me noticing, closed the curtains in the bedroom so that the light wouldn’t bother me. So that I could sleep til 11:30 or noon after he got up at 7:30 or 8 or whatever time employed people wake up.

I didn’t even notice it until noon when I went to open the blinds so my plants get enough light.

Don’t settle, ladies.


My Wyze outdoors cam came today. With it’s accessory for pre-ordering early.

I laughed so hard when I opened it. And my wife walks in and asked if that was a cowboy hat?

It sure is! I love it!

It has made every other device in the house jealous though.

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