What am I doing here?
I just turned 35 and I’m working at a help desk. I just turned 35 and I spend my days answering phones telling people their user names or reactivating their accounts. I spend my days doing the same thing I did the day I left college.
I’m very well paid for the work I do. It’s not fulfilling nor interesting. It’s not something I enjoy or think about. This job has no emotion to it at all. I go in to work and I shut off my brain. I don’t need it. It’s rote memorization and repetition of questions and facts.
But that’s also the point of this job. I don’t need anything challenging. I don’t need to spend my days struggling to solve hard problems or make the world a better place.
I perform a job, a function that’s needed and can’t be turned over to a robot. I answer phones and I talk to people. I enable them.
I’m an enabler. I help them where they would fail without me. I give them tools to complete their work. I fix problems and guide. I help.
My job is a job. I work. I go home. I don’t think about it any more. It’s not a challenge. It’s a job. It pays me. I can afford a nice place to live. I pay my bills. I can afford a nice life and to travel and live in a nice house with my wonderful wife. I can afford to be comfortable.
I buy comfort with my job.
The callers keep me comfortable. They fill the hours. They pay my bills. They keep me working. They keep me comfortable.
Comfortable isn’t the worst thing in the world.